Thursday, July 27, 2017

American Natural History Museum!!!


A week full of big changes!

Hermana Anderson is on her way back home to Utah! Craziness.
This past Sunday Evelyn, a member in the ward fed us a goodbye dinner for Hermana Anderson and the end of dinner she gave Hermana Anderson a cute scarf and a mug....then she went into the bathroom and came out with a HUGE bouquet of flowers and said that these are for ME because she doesn't want me to be sad that Hermana Anderson was leaving. 
I then started to bawl..... we are talking about big crockadile tears and then I thanked her for being a second momma to me here in New York.
It was a really special evening.

Thursday morning the cell phone started buzzing on the desk during morning we looked at the phone and it read President Smith... here is how the convo went:
President Smith: Good morning is Sister Worley there?
Me: Yes I'm here!
President Smith: Sister Worley the Lord has called you to be a trainor.
Me: *all of the emotions all at once* 

So that happened. At first I thought that the Lord & President Smith had made a HUGE mistake calling me to train. 
I was still in training. 
Still struggling with Spanish. 
Still trying to navigate around the city. 
Just really under qualified overall.

Moral of the story. You have got to be careful for what you pray for because I was praying for more training.....just not in this capacity. 

My new companion just came from the Mexico MTC. Her parents are from Samoa but she was raised in California. Has 10 siblings. A heart of GOLD! 
We are gonna learn so much and pour our hearts in the work. 

Yesterday was our first day together and she was a champion with all of the city walking & Spanish speaking. I was praying that New York would be on its best behavior for her. 
When we knocked on one of the doors for a look up, a man opened up the door in a red thong!!!!!!! Ahhhhh. So I took Hermana Masoe by the arm and we ran down the stairs to leave the building. Poor girl! 
We were also to teach the message of the restoration to a lady sitting outside her building, help a man push a grocery cart full of groceries to his home, eat tamales for dinner, visit our cute member Lousia and tract in a project.

There are so many reasons why heart is full to the brim:
1. Hermana Masoe is THE CUTEST SISTER EVER. We are going to learn so much together. 
2. I get to serve in Harlem for another 12 weeks!
3. We have been having some magic rainy days in the city!
4. The Lord has put me in a new situation where I am able to learn how to put more of my trust in Him.

I am thankful for this gospel and for all of your prayers.
Much love,
Hermana Worley 

-my last district
-Hermana MASOE!!! ISN'T she DARLING???

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Hello everyone! 💛

Hello everyone! 💛
This past week was filled with a lot of different kinds of days. 
The good ones and the bad ones. #strugglebusweeks
Haha isn't that just life sometimes? 
Weeks like this make me extra greatful for the Savior and this gospel.

One of my top favorite scriptures is:  Mosiah 24:13-15 (in the Book of Mormon)

13 And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.

14 And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.

15 And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord.

I know that the Lord does ease our burdens, even the ones that we don't feel upon our backs. 
Because of Him we can find peace + strength in the struggle. 

Hermana Anderson heads home next this coming Tuesday and that means transfer calls will be this Saturday evening sometime! I am very thankful for all that I have learned from her!

Hermana Day and I were able to visit the Empire State Building! It was magic to view the city from such a different perspective than I usually do. 
It was as if I was looking at a land of legos with a big broccoli patch right in the middle. Then it hit me that Heavenly Father wants me here in this city, at this moment, speaking Spanish, living in Harlem just trying to do what the Savior would do.

Top of the Empire state & Little India

Lots of love,
Hermana Worley 

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Empire State building!!!!

Hermana Day and I had sooooo much fun!!! We also had the same mtc teachers!!! 

APF + stick notes + Fresi

Feliz miércoles!

I feel like I ALWAYS start this way......but this past week really did WHiZ by.
It was also filled with a lot of ingredients.

Hmm lets start with a not so funny food expierence......
Okay so I'll begin real quick with explaining that i was a vegetarian before the mission but i have been eating meats of all sorts because, what would Jesus do? Right? So a lot of food that i am served is a weird expierence because I'm fed a lot of meat but anyways, yesterday after helping out a lady in the ward named Ana clean out her home she wanted to feed us food. 

A HUGE plate of spaghetti was on the menu.
When I got near to finishing my plate/putting some spaghetti in my purse....I felt something really hard in my mouth so I started to chew really slowly and then just had to take it out of my mouth....when I looked in my hand it was WOOD!! Like a stick from a tree branch. Yup. 🌲 
The end!

Hermana Anderson and I felt that we should look up one of the gals that we found through talking to people on the bus not too long ago. We have been able to meet with her once for a lesson + deliver her a book of Mormon....but after that lesson we haven't been able to keep in contact with her. We have attempted quite a bit to reach out to her have not had much luck with her being home/answering her phone.
Regardless we felt like we should try again.
So we knocked on her door and nothing.
We left a note.
The next morning our phone buzzed and it was her asking if we could come by to visit with her this Saturday morning! 
Hermana Anderson explained to me that she can't remember what she wrote on the note on her door but that she was praying that Heavenly Father would help her reach out to us.
This little tender mercy was a soft reminder of how important it is to never give up on people....and that sticky note messages do really work.

Friday afternoon: 
My district had an APF!
An APF is an Area Proselytizing Focus so we set up a booth on the busy streets of Harlem with cases of cold water bottles + Books of Mormons + pass along cards + members from the church. It was SO fun and super cute to see the members get excited about missionary work!

Saturday morning: 
we recieved a text from Fresi (one of our investigators) asking if we could come over and see her asap.
Hermana Anderson and I knew something was wrong so we raced over to her home. When we got there we all sat on the sofa and Fresi just started to bawl. She explained to us that her husband was kicking her out of the house so she had to move to Brooklyn today to live with one of her friends until she figures out something else.
All of her family lives in the DR. Hermana Anderson & I have been one of her biggest support systems. So we helped her pack her bags then said our goodbyes. My heart is still really heavy for Fresi and I am learning what it means to trust God. 

I am extra thankful today that there is no such thing as permanent goodbyes & that everyday is a fresh start because of the atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ. 💛

Much love,
Hermana Worley 🌻

-We had a super rainy day this past week and were drenched on the way to the chapel. Some men offered us some trashbags to keep dry!! Rain in the city is ALWAYS magic! 
-a awkward selfie with Ana Maria and I! This darling lady is 106 years old!!!!! 
- the train station. I love the art in N.Y.. 

Monday, July 10, 2017


The heading of this email is 100% TRUTH! 

This past Sunday all of the missionaries in the mission had the super special treat to enjoy a sacrament meeting with President Utchdorf + his DARLING wife Harriet + thier daughter + grandson Eric.
It was a meeting that I will remember for the rest of forever.... I wish that can say I took really great notes but the spirit was so strong in the meeting that I spent a lot of time wiping tears.  
President Uchtdorf talked a lot out putting our trust in the Lord and encouraged us missionaries to THINK BIG & creatively when sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with our brothers and sisters in NY. 

I hope that everyone had a safe 4th of July! Yesterday to celebrate Hna Anderson & I + our roommates decorated the house in our 4th of July gear...thanks to momma worley for sending the care package. 
For lunch we celebrated with a super awesome sister in the ward. Her name is Hermana Villanueva. She is from the DR, cooks the best food and tells the FUNNIEST jokes. Yesterday she cooked us an american lunch.....dominican style and fed us Costco samples of Angel food cake for dessert. The rest of our day was spent tracking in an area higher up on the island than we normally go to. 

The missionary work is going great. We spent a lot of time this past week teaching lessons and finding people to teach.
Heavenly Father really loves His children and I feel blessed to be able to take part in this work.

Today we get to go to the temple and then Chinatown!

Some happy things:

-New york Rats are REAL!!!!!! This past week Hna Anderson and I were walking down Amsterdam and a lady was freaking out about a rat that was scurrying along the side of the building.

-Lots of old men sit outside playing dominos on the summer days with thier Latino music bumping.

-Rita & Jeffery Molina. Rita and Jeffery are mom and son who are from Ecuador. Jeffery is around the age of 14. Rita has been investigating the church for a few years now. This past Thursday we had the oppertunity to teach them about The Plan of Salvation and after the lesson Rita runs to her room and brings out a bright pink (1/2 used) lipstick which she gifts to me. Such a tender the moment. 

-Teaching English class! It's one of my favorite things! This past week we taught four students how to order food in English at a resturant.  

-Sister Perkins & I! We came out to the mission field together and snagged this picture right after the mission wide church service this past Sunday....isn't she super cute?
-Selfies during companionship study! 
-4th Fun!!

I love you all,
💛Hermana Worley

Tender mercies!

After the temple today hna Anderson and I headed to China town so she could get souvenirs for her little siblings because she is heading home soon. We were walking down the street and a cute family yells "missionaries" so we turn around and they were so excited to see us! The mom asked if she could take us out to lunch and then took a pic and sent it to you both!! So that is the sweet story behind the picture. She is from IT!