Monday, March 6, 2017


Greetings from a girl who is moving to New York, after a pit stop in Utah, in FIFTEEN days!

Image result for manhattan  lds temple

Woah, am I really going to be a sister missionary for 18 months in 15 days?
My heart & mind are trying their hardest to wrap themselves around the reality that lies ahead.

I am going to miss the little things most.
....little things like grabbing a cold diet coke + popcorn while sitting in a movie theater, lunch dates with my momma, laughing hysterically with friends in the latest hours of the night, the sound of my siblings voices, random "143" texts from my dad....and the list goes on....

I haven't a clue on how I am going to say goodbye to all of the people that I adore so much, but I know through Heavenly Fathers help I can do hard things.

I thought that I would jot down some of my feelings as my time is dwindling down to nothing: 
  • NERVOUS that I can reach my full potential as a missionary/that my mission president will like me/that this Idaho girl can embrace the New York culture/that I will have an awesome trainer/to leave my family&friends behind
  • EXCITED for this once in a lifetime adventure/to share some sunshine & messages of love/to invite people to come closer to God/to visit the Manhattan Temple/for the day when I get this Spanish thing down/to be able to visit my mission with my future husband and kiddos (wooah futuristic thoughts mariah)/for this new chapter to begin!!!
  • Both of these feelings come in waves. 
  • I feel blessed to be an American girl who gets to put on a little black name tag and represent her religion for 18 months of her life. That is a BIG freedom.
  • I hope that my companions can handle the amount of times that I have to pee in a day! #thestruggle
  • The MTC- I have heard that you either love it or hate it. Fingers are crossed that I fall on the love side
  • My mind is constantly thinking about New York!
  • Also, praying that I don't have to eat too many hot dogs for Jesus #vegetarian,that'sme!
  • I hope I don't gain 100 pounds...
  • ...HA I'm such a girl 
  • I think I am overthinking..
But I know with my WHOLE heart that I am on a path that will enhance my matter how many crazy feelings that I have inside me. I know that Heavenly Father will be with me for this whole journey, with Him I can not fail.

ALSO, I am in the process of writing my farewell talk! My heart is beating with happiness because the topic that I will be speaking on is JOY!

Those who move forward with a happy spirit will find that things will always work out. -Gordon B. Hinckley:

March 19th 2017. 1PM.
be there, or be square
Mariah Bray 

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